How to cultivate employee fulfilment

COVID-19 has had a huge impact on the business landscape. With record numbers of employees reported to have voluntarily quit their jobs, known as the 'Great Resignation of 2021'.

So, what was the cause of this? 

COVID-19 upended life as we knew it. Both personally and professionally. The unprecedented mass exit from the workforce has led us to re-evaluate a number of things, including our work-life balance, calling into question the way we've always done things. 

Is the way we've always done things the right decision for us?

Many studies post-pandemic have found that people want fulfilling experiences at work. And they're willing to change jobs, even for lower pay to find fulfillment. Employee engagement and job satisfaction are interlinked and it's no coincidence that happy people make better employees. 

Is employee engagement and happiness the responsibility of employee or management? 

Senior leaders play a powerful role in helping employees experience greater meaning and fulfilment at work. As leaders, you set the tone for an organisation's culture and you're the primary example of how to reinforce and create norms around what work fulfilment looks like. You can be the bridge or the barrier to cultivating employee fulfilment. 

Level up Leadership 

For business leaders who want to help their workforce find greater meaning in their jobs, our one day 'Level up Leadership' event is for experienced leaders to ‘sharpen the saw’ as we explore some of the leadership fundamentals. Leaders will spend the morning refreshing their coaching skills, focusing on doing the basics brilliantly to get the best outcomes.

The afternoon is an opportunity to map current levels of trust in the team, and explore how to level up their working relationships. Leaders also get to understand leaderships styles, and crucially, when to deploy them based on their team diagnostic.

To find out more, please get in touch with us at [email protected] 


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