In 2019, Peter Cappelli, wrote an article for the Harvard Business Review entitled ‘Your Approach to Hiring Is All Wrong’

He said “Businesses have never done as much hiring as they do today. They’ve never spent as much money doing it. And they’ve never done a worse job of it.” By using the wrong channels of recruitment and dated processes, businesses continue to repeat the same mistakes time and time again.

For many years companies have recruited talent with many assumptions about levels of competence and skill sets.  Companies often choose to focus on recruiting talent who have been trained by other organisations, rather than investing in their own training which can lead to long-term organisational problems.

If a company does not have a training program aligned with its vision, goals and values the company can not evolve and may find itself in a cycle of ongoing recruitment.

Investing in employee training and development can be a valuable strategy for businesses looking to enhance their organisational performance. While it may be tempting to recruit new staff members with the necessary skills and experience, there are several benefits to training your own staff instead.

Cost-effective: Training your existing team can be more cost-effective than recruiting new employees. Hiring new staff can involve significant costs, including advertising, recruitment fees, and onboarding expenses. Training existing staff members can be less expensive and have longer-term benefits.

Increased productivity: By training your existing staff, you can improve their skills and knowledge, making them more effective and productive in their roles. This can help increase efficiency, reduce errors, and improve overall performance, leading to greater profitability and customer satisfaction. 

Boosted morale: When employees feel that their employer is invested in their growth and development, they are more likely to feel valued and motivated. This can boost employee morale, resulting in increased job satisfaction, higher retention rates, and a more positive workplace culture.

Aligned goals: By giving bespoke training which has been developed for your organisation you can align goals and values to ensure both parties are working towards a common vision. beami creates bespoke training in line with your corporate objectives to ensure we bridge skills and knowledge gaps while aligning company culture with employee values.

Enhanced flexibility: Training your existing staff can give you greater flexibility in responding to changing business needs. Rather than waiting for new hires to be fully trained and integrated into your company culture, you can quickly upskill your existing staff to meet new demands or fill skill gaps.

Improved knowledge retention: When employees are trained internally, they are more likely to retain the knowledge and skills they have learned, this is especially true when the training has been designed specifically for your business. This can lead to a more knowledgeable and capable workforce, which can improve overall business performance and reduce the risk of costly mistakes.

At beami we know from extensive experience that by investing in your internal training with well-designed, personalised training programs you can not only reduce your spend on recruitment but also improve the immediate and long term productivity of your team.

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